Fun hands-on learning for ages birth through five in Marshallese and English. All are welcome!
This Kaleidoscope Play and Learn is in the Marshallese and English languages.
Aolep rej ruwainene!
Brokram in ej katõk ko ñan ajiri ro 0-5 iio im ro rej kõjbarok er. Ikkure im katõk ko renaj kõboje er ñan aer naj jino jikuul. Aurõk bwe mama im papa ak rikajjiriri eo en bok konaan iben ajiri eo ak ajiri ro jen jinoin ñan jemlokin brokram in.
Monono in lo kom aolep Wenje.
Kaleidoscope Play & Learn groups are for families with children ages birth to five who want to learn fun ideas for hands-on learning, nurture their child’s positive social skills, and increase their family’s healthy lifestyle habits!
All are welcome!
Caregiver participation is required.
AGE GROUP: | Toddlers (2-3) | Preschoolers (3-6) | Family | Babies (0-2) |
EVENT TYPE: | Drop-In Play | Arts and Crafts | Activities & Games |